Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Team Kenton

Dear Family and Friends...
I want to share with you about an AMAZING young man.
Kenton Reynolds....

I first heard about Kenton from seeing on several signs around town that said, "TEAM KENTON". I was very curious to find out what TEAM KENTON was and it didn't take me long to find out on FB seeing as all my neighbors knew who HE was.
Then, my daughter, Brindley came home from school and told me about Kenton. She knew Kenton from school. She shared with me how funny Kenton was and that everyone loved to be around him. Brindley said that one time on the bus ride home they were talking and he told her how excited he was to go to Young Men's at church.

I have been following his story for awhile now. Kenton was diagnosed with Leukemia in June of 2012. He has gone through all the treatments along with a bone marrow transplant. Last week they shared with everyone the news that no one wants to hear.

I want everyone to know of this Young Man. With out even meeting him in person, he has taught me and my family so much. He is a Super Hero to me. Our family prays for him daily and I ask if all of you would remember him and his Dad, Mom and younger sister in your prayers.

You can find out more about Kenton and his family on his FB page: TEAM KENTON
From what I understand, the parents are taking time from work to spend their time with him. Their income will be cut and they will need help with expenses. Even $5 will help them. If you would like to help you can do a paypal donation at (chubby, or you can donate at Wells Fargo Team Kenton account. Thanks so much!

Kenton, you are one of Heavenly Father's choicest spirits.


Lacy@uphillandsmiling said...

Beautiful, Kristi. That is just SO sad :(

My sister was told she was terminal on January 13, 2005. She died on February 25, 2005. That was THE hardest thing I have ever been through. My heart goes out to his family.

Anonymous said...

Kristi - I remember Kenton telling me about his friend Brindley. I did not know that you had written this until today. Thank you for your love and prayers. We miss Kenton so very much!!

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